
Departmental approach to the curriculum

In MFL at Key Stage 3 we aim to develop literacy through the ability to use language effectively for purposes of practical communication. Spanish has been part of our curriculum offer since September 2023.

The study of languages provides an insight into the culture and civilisation of countries where the language is spoken. It promotes positive attitudes to speakers of foreign languages as well as a sympathetic approach to other cultures and civilisations. It supports an awareness of the nature of language and language learning.

The MFL curriculum aims to develop students’ understanding of themselves socially and in the context of an international environment as well as provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation. 

All students are encouraged to form a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for further study and practical implementation as they move into Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 where the application of tenses and longer sentences as well as more complex grammar is crucial for success.

Year 7

When students arrive at Rickmansworth School they have had a variety of different experiences in relation to their learning of a Modern Foreign Language. Therefore, students are given the opportunity to learn French or Spanish and German in Year 7. Having 3 lessons a fortnight in each language they gain an insight into the basic language and cultures of the target language countries before deciding which language they would like to study, in the majority of cases, until GCSE. There is also the option to continue with both languages with one language being studied in twilight sessions in years 8 & 9.

As well as being introduced to the basic topics and grammatical rules, students have the option to become involved in the Ricky MFL Bake-Off and the European Day of Languages, the aims of which are to raise awareness of:

  • Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, which must be preserved and enhanced;
  • the need to diversify the range of languages people learn (to include less widely used languages), which results in plurilingualism;
  • the need for people to develop some degree of proficiency in two languages or more to be able to play their full part in a globalised world.

Later in the year Year 7 learn about the importance of languages in society through the MFL Factor Enrichment day which culminates in an evening of celebration in March each year.

Year 8

In Year 8 students who have opted to study Spanish as their language build on their basic understanding of the key elements covered in year 7. This involves working on communicating in the past as well as the present tense and using a greater range of language to talk about their daily life.

The highlight of year 8 is the residential trip to the Barcelona. Students have the opportunity to visit the country, see the cultural differences as well as put the language they have learnt into practice.

Long Term Curriculum Overview

'The Big Picture' Curriculum Map

'The Big Picture' Curriculum Map

This document will provide a visual overview of the department's curriculum for Year 7. This is in a student-friendly format to support them in their understanding of the department's curriculum. 

Big Picture Curriculum Map - Spanish


Department Assessment Matrix

This document provides an overview for assessment for Year 7.

Assessment Matrix - Spanish

Home Learning

Students use home learning time to consolidate their learning as well as further their knowledge.  

In all key stages, learning vocabulary and structures is crucial to learning a language. Students are set vocabulary on a weekly basis via Quizlet. It is advised that students practise little and often throughout the week rather than try to ‘cram’ in one go.  

In addition to this, students are asked to consolidate their knowledge through short listening, reading or writing tasks linked to the lesson or previous learning. Alternatively, the tasks may prepare students for future lesson content. This will happen once per cycle at key stage 3 and will increase at key stage 4 as students prepare for public examinations.

At key stage 3, students sit regular vocabulary tests. These are peer-assessed and marks recorded. Rewards are awarded for high and improved scores. Other comprehension tasks are marked in class in order that misconceptions are addressed.

How can you help your child succeed in Spanish?

Independent study outside of lessons is a crucial element of learning a modern foreign language which will improve attainment and ensure students are making good progress. As a parent you may or may not have any understanding of the French language.  However, no language knowledge is necessary.

Students will be expected to learn new vocabulary on a regular basis and parents can encourage study of the language and where it can take young people as well as showing an interest in the topics of study. Testing your son or daughter on the words/phrases can be really helpful and give you a real indication of how they are getting on. The department is committed to providing opportunities for students to experience the language abroad and practise their new language skills. A range of educational visits are offered and you will receive details of these throughout the academic year.

Helpful websites and further information

Please find below some websites & resources which students should be using at home or in their free time.

We recommend a number of online resources to help students with their independent learning and consolidation of material encountered in lessons. In addition to this online platforms such as Netflix. Amazon Prime, ALL4 and YouTube all provide access to series/films/clips in the foreign language.


(also available as an app on iOS, Android)

This website enables students to create flashcards to revise vocabulary on a computer and on smartphones/ tablets. They can access vocabulary lists created by the department, by other schools and they are able to make their own lists. Quizlet features games, activities and tests to enable students to practise and see their progress.

This is a useful website created by teachers which allow students to practise both vocabulary and grammar – this is particularly useful for students struggling with tenses.

BBC Bitesize (Spanish)

A range of activities and videos to practice reading, listening, speaking and writing at KS3 and KS4.

LyricsTraining is an easy and fun way to learn and improve foreign languages skills, through the music videos and the lyrics of your favourite songs.   

(also available as an app on iOS and Android)

This is a useful reliable online dictionary which is also a verb conjugator. This is not a translator.

Careers in Spanish

2 197Languages UK poster