Leadership Team & Key Contacts

Leadership Team and Key Contacts

Mr M. Fletcher


Mr C. Hambleton

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs V. Cartledge

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs D. Short

Assistant Headteacher

Mr S. White

Assistant Headteacher

Miss M. Parry

Assistant Headteacher​

Mr R. Gunn Assistant Headteacher
Mrs D. Patel Director of Finance & Business Operations


Directors of Learning

Miss D. Hutchings

Year 7

Ms H. Watkins Year 8
Mr D. Sweet Year 9
Miss T. Rice Year 10
Mr P. Cooper

Year 11

Mr S. White

Director of Sixth Form

Miss N. Westland Deputy Director of Sixth Form

Miss D. Kealy

Mr C. Bourke



Key Department Contacts

Art  Mrs T. Cassimatis

Mrs R. Nelson


Business Ms T. Zanelli

Mr T. Knights



Ms S. Ensbury



Ms C. Tidy

Drama Mrs S. Curtis
Economics Dr D. Wellings

English and Film Studies

Mrs N Railton


Mrs M. Redrup



Mr A. Jones


German Ms S. Streatfield
History and Politics Mr A. Jones

Ms S. Atkin


Music Mr P. Tompkins
Photography Mr A. la Grange
Physical Education Mr S. Berry

Mr R. Alexander

Psychology Ms J. Joseph-Bristol
Religious Studies Mrs H. Grindell
Sociology Ms J. Joseph-Bristol
Technology (Innovation and Design and Food Technology) Mr J. Draper


Estates Manager: Mr B. Hawkins

Communication Guidance

Communication Guidance

The purpose of this structure is to aid parents / carers to communicate with the appropriate person at Rickmansworth School in the appropriate time frame.

Where there are more general opinions or ideas you wish to share we have regular Parent Panel meetings half termly; these meetings are scheduled on the School calendar.

If you have a specific issue about your child's academic progress please contact the Head of the relevant Faculty.

If it is a pastoral issue about your child please direct it to the appropriate Director of Learning / Head of Sixth Form.

Immediate responses to emails and meeting requests should not be expected. This is not being discourteous, it is because staff are teaching or involved in other aspects of their work during set periods of the day.  In order for your enquiry to be addressed effectively we have implemented the procedures below:

  • Receipt of an email will be acknowledged within 48 hours (2 working days when the School is open to students) during term time, but not over a weekend.
  • When more time is required and the parent has been initially informed, staff will respond within five working school days.
  • If a member of staff is not able to deal with the email directly then they will pass it on to the most appropriate person.
  • Staff are not to be expected to monitor or respond to emails outside of their normal working hours, including weekends and published school holidays.  
  • Parental meeting requests with staff must be made in advance and unannounced requests for staff meetings will not be agreed.  Instead a meeting will be scheduled within 48 hours (2 working days when the School is open to students).  This protocol will not apply to a safeguarding concern.
  • Parental appointments with staff will not exceed 30 minutes unless previously agreed.