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Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
We place a significant emphasis on supporting our students personal and developmental needs in order for them to develop into well-rounded successful individuals.
Our supportive curriculum starts with a transition, where we place a great emphasis on supporting all students to look forward to starting at Rickmansworth with great excitement. The importance we place on secondary transition is highlighted by the appointment of a full-time non-teaching Director of Learning to oversee this critical aspect of a child's education. On joining Rickmansworth all students are assigned to a form group that represents one of our four houses. We celebrate our strong house system by formally presenting all students with their house badge in front of the parents.
Once assigned to a form and house, students will work closely with their form tutor to support the transition process and their progress through Key Stage 3 and 4, with the many form tutors taking their class through both Key Stages. Form tutors provide day to day guidance for their tutees, monitoring attendance, celebrating success and where appropriate signposting for support from the wider pastoral team. Each year group is led by a Director of Learning who is responsible for their cohorts personal and academic development from Year 8-11.
In turn, the Directors of Learning are supported by a full-time Pastoral Support Officer who in partnership with our Pastoral Deputy Headteacher provide bespoke support for students with specific welfare and educational needs. Should a need be identified, the pastoral team also have access to a limited number of counselling and mentoring services. Furthermore, the pastoral team has excellent links with local agencies and professionals allowing specialist support to be provided if required.
We place a great emphasis on providing outstanding character education for our students. We strive to develop resilient, confident students who show respect to all members of the School community which they are proud to attend. We encourage all students to engage in extra-curricular, including volunteering and leadership roles. Students are proud of their achievements and the School they represent.
Students in all years engage in a structured PHSE curriculum that provides strong social, moral, spiritual and cultural education. Through PHSE students also develop a strong awareness of British Values along with a diverse range of topics to develop students who make a positive contribution to their School and the wider community.
Sex Relationship Education (SRE) is delivered throughout all Key Stages allowing students to develop a good understanding of healthy relationships, respect and decision making.
Whilst these key topics are predominantly taught through PHSE, they are embedded throughout the curriculum, promoted in assemblies and evident in all aspects of School life.