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Religious Studies
Departmental approach to the curriculum
Rickmansworth School follows The Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education 2023-28. Taking the aims from this syllabus, the RS department's curriculum develops in pupils such skills as:
• critical, creative and reflective thinking about philosophical argument, theological (multi-faith) concepts and life issues
• questioning and interpreting ‘Truth’ claims
• ways of conveying meaning
• different ways of investigating the subject-matter, including a range of academic disciplines and approaches
• listening with understanding and compassion
• engaging positively with diversity
Our curriculum ensures depth and breadth through its coverage of all 8 key areas contained within the Agreed Syllabus:
Beliefs and practices |
Sources of wisdom |
Symbols and actions |
Prayer, worship and reflection |
Identity and belonging |
Ultimate questions |
Human responsibility and values |
Justice and fairness |
We believe Religious Studies gives students at all ages a deep understanding of the world around them, whether they themselves have a faith or not. It gives them the opportunity to explore the big questions of life and the universe in a safe space and recognise and celebrate diversity in our community and the world.
Statutory Religious Education Provision
Number of Hours Required Per Academic Year | How are we achieving this? | |
Key Stage 3 | 38 Hours | Taught in lessons: 1 hour per week |
Key Stage 4 - Year 10 | 30 Hours |
Religious Education Days |
Key Stage 4 - Year 11 | 30 Hours |
Religious Education Days |
Key Stage 5 - Year 12 | 10 Hours |
Thinking Thursday - Ethical and Philosophical Debate - weekly Form Time Activity |
Key Stage 4 - Year 13 | 10 Hours | Thinking Thursday - Ethical and Philosophical Debate - weekly Form Time Activity |
KS3 Religious Studies
The three year Key Stage 3 lays the foundation in core knowledge and skills students need in order to progress successfully into the Religious Studies GCSE course, as well as preparing students to live in a mutli-cultural, pluralist society. The KS3 curriculum covers all 6 major world religions, and atheism/humanism.
For full details what is covered under the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education see the Long Term Curriculum Overviews.
GCSE - Year 10 and 11
Religious Studies GCSE- AQA Specification A: Christianity and Islam
GCSE (Full Course) Religious Studies offers students the opportunity to develop their thinking and consider answers to fundamental questions about God, life, religion and the world. The subject is suitable for all candidates, regardless of religious persuasion. This GCSE encourages students to develop their interest and enthusiasm for the academic study of religion and its effect on local, national and global communities. Students will also develop their knowledge and understanding of religion by exploring the impact of beliefs, teachings, practices, ways of life and forms of expressing faith. In addition, students will learn to express their personal responses and formulate informed judgements for questions about identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, personal values and commitments. This GCSE encourages students to question the world in which we live through developing critical awareness and analytical skills essential for further and higher education.
You will sit two 1 hour 45 minute examinations at the end of Year 11.
Paper 1: Religions
Christianity: Beliefs
Christianity: Practices
Islam: Beliefs
Islam: Practices
Paper 2: Thematic Studies
Relationships and Families
Religion and Life
Existence of God and Revelation
Religion and Human Rights
A Level - Year 12 and 13
A-Level Religious Studies: OCR Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity
Course Description: A-Level Religious Studies gives students an opportunity to investigate, analyse and evaluate some of the more challenging ultimate questions that have arisen throughout history.
Paper 1: Philosophy of Religion
Questions explored include Is there a God? Why is there evil in the world? and Is there a soul?
Paper 2: Religion and Ethics
On the Ethics paper students have an opportunity to understand and debate big ethical questions such as Is there an ultimate right or wrong? Should euthanasia be legalised? and Should there be rules about how people conduct their private relationships?
Paper 3: Developments in Christian Thought
In the Christianity paper questions to be explored include How can Jesus be fully divine and full human? Are Christian views on gender outdated? and Is Christianity compatible with a pluralist view in society?
The A-Level builds on the knowledge and understanding of religion and evaluative skills from GCSE, although is suitable for students who have not studied the GCSE in Religious Studies but have an inquisitive nature.
A-Level Religious Studies involves writing detailed analytical essays, so you must be someone who enjoys writing as well as debating.
The course links to many other subjects including Sociology, Psychology, History, Politics, English, Business, Economics and Maths.
KS4 Core Religious Studies
Year 10 and 11
The Year 10 and 11 Statutory RE content will be a course in which students develop their awareness of the philosophical, ethical and religious issues that affect people in the UK in modern day society.
In line with the Hertfordhire Agreed Syllabus for 2023-2028 students complete 30 hours of study of RE across 6 timetabled RE Days in each year. As part of the scheme for learning, students will engage with topics such as the value of religion in society, arguments for the existence or non-existence of God and why some believe evil and suffering to be the biggest challenge to believing in God. Through this course students will develop a range of skills including, but not limited to, critical thinking, informed decision making and evaluating the credibility of alternative points of view.
Key Questions covered include:
- Why is it important to understand religion and worldviews?
- Does God exist?
- How do we combat Islamophobia?
- What is the difference between a religion and a cult?
- How do people fight for peace?
- What is the Good Place?
- What is humanism?
- Do humans have a soul?
KS5 Core Religious Studies
Year 12 and 13 Overview
In the Sixth Form students complete Thinking Thursdays- a relevant, topical curriculum in which students develop their awareness of the philosophical and ethical issues that are significant in the 21 Century.
They engage in reading, debate and deep thinking with their form tutors and meet the statutory requirement of 10 hours per year of RE study.
Helpful websites and further information