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Curriculum Overview
Our vision is to develop well-rounded successful individuals, all of whom make a positive contribution to Rickmansworth school life and beyond. We aim to provide an inclusive, safe, happy and stimulating environment, one which is based on mutual respect and collaborative relationships between students, staff and the wider community. Through inspirational teaching of an academic curriculum and varied enrichment opportunities, we support our students to develop a thirst for knowledge and to foster an intellectual curiosity; helping to create life-long learners. We strive to provide first-class facilities to support exceptional teaching; enabling students to become resourceful and resilient individuals who value education.
As an academically partially-selective school, it follows that Rickmansworth students are intellectually curious and therefore our curriculum has to reflect this; challenging for all. Our curriculum is split into three main areas: subject, supportive and extra-curricular. Through these, we aim to prepare each student for the next phase of their life as a global citizen, to be adaptable to challenges they may face and to have the resolve of character to be successful.
We recognise that a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum is essential for all students to become effective learners and the next generation of leaders who are ready for the challenges of the future.
In accordance with our duty under the Equalities Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to ensure our curriculum provision is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, our approach to the curriculum promotes diversity, equality and inclusion. We offer varied opportunities both in and outside of the School which enable our students to:
- Develop lively, enquiring minds;
- Have the ability to question, argue rationally and think creatively;
- Be equipped with the knowledge and cultural capital necessary to succeed in life;
- Acquire transferable skills and understand concepts, and to be able to apply these in relevant situations;
- Demonstrate understanding and respect for the uniqueness and beliefs of the individual;
- Maximise opportunities for artistic, expressive, creative and technological experiences;
- Value participation, performance and the creativity of others;
- Achieve qualifications which maximise opportunities in employment and higher education;
- Develop as confident, responsible and articulate citizens who take responsibility for their own health and well-being, in addition to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development;
- Develop and explore their inner-strengths to thrive at school and beyond.
We place great importance on instilling the attitudes and practises of good scholarship and we achieve this by promoting our key values and ethos through our six ‘Ricky Rs’: resilient, resourceful, reflective, responsibility, relationships and respect; all of which are embedded throughout our curriculum.
For information on our GCSE Options, please read our Options Booklet which can be accessed through the subject curriculum page.
For information with regard to the School's duty to comply with Equalities Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, please access our Equality and Diversity Policy and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policies through the Statutory and Important Information page.
Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Timetable Overview
Students follow a two week timetable (Week A and B) with 50 teaching periods per fortnight cycle, organised into five, one hour lessons each day, with two periods before morning break, two periods before lunchtime and one period after lunch.
The table below shows how many hours over the 2 week timetable are spent on each subject. The curriculum at Rickmansworth School is fluid and dynamic; hours allocated to each subject can vary each academic year.
Timetable Example
Here is an example of a Year 7 student timetable, similar to the one accessible via the SIMS Parent app.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Offer
At Key Stage 3 students will study:
- Art & Design
- Computer Science
- Dance
- Drama
- English
- Food Nutrition & Preparation
- Geography
- History
- Innovation & Design
- Mathematics
- Modern Foreign Languages (French and German - students in Year 7 study both and then students have a choice which one they want to continue with - there is an option to continue both which many do. From September 2023, students will study German in Year 7, and either French or Spanish).
- Music
- Games
- Religious Studies
- Resilience and Study Skills
- Science (biology, chemistry and physics)
- Personal Development programme - PSHE
Key Stage 3 Home Learning Timetable
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Offer
In Years 10 and 11 students are able to personalise their Key Stage 4 curriculum as they are able to select up to four subject choices for GCSE. There are, however, a number of subjects which are compulsory for every student - these are the core subjects and they make up between 50 to 60% of the timetable for each student.
Students will study courses that will lead to GCSEs in:
English Language
English Literature
Science (This can be either 2 or 3 GCSEs depending on whether the student is recommended for and wishes to study 3 single sciences)
Modern Foreign Language: reflecting the high regard the School, universities and employers place on students being able to study a language to at least GCSE level the majority of students will continue with their study of a Modern Foreign Language.
Full list of GCSE subjects:
- English Language and Literature
- Mathematics
- Modern Foreign Languages - German and French
- Art and Design
- Astronomy (Twilight)
- Business Studies
- Community Languages
- Computer Science
- Dance
- Drama
- Film Studies
- Food Preparation and Nutrition
- Geography
- History
- Innovation & Design
- Music
- Photography
- Physical Education
- Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics
- Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics - 3 separate GCSEs in each science)
- Combined Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics - 2 GCSEs)
Non Examined
- Games
- Religious Education - delivered through Personal Development Days
Form Time
- Form time includes delivery of our Personal development Programme
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Offer
At Key Stage 5 students study a combination of the following A Levels:
- Art
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Drama and Theatre Studies
- Economics
- English Literature
- English Language and Literature
- Film Studies
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- German
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Photography
- Philosophy and Ethics (R.S.)
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Product Design (from September 2023)
- Politics
- Psychology
- Sociology
Other Qualifications
- Extended Project Qualification
Form Time
- Destinations advice and support
- Standards checks
- Friday quiz
- RE - Thinking Thursdays
Enrichment Opportunities in Curriculum Time
- Sixth Form Enrichment
- Sixth Form Games
- In-lesson Support