Examination Results

Results 2022-2023

A Level & GCSE Results 2022-23

Examinations resumed fully this year and our students performed exceptionally well.

Key Stage 4 

  • Progress 8 score +0.55
  • Attainment 8 score 61.56
  • 95% of students achieved grade 4, or higher, in English and mathematics
  • 80% of students achieved grade 5, or higher, in English and mathematics
  • 71.5% of students were entered for the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc)
  • English Baccalaureate Average Point Score (EBacc APS) is 5.77
  • 98% of students stay in education or employment after KS4

Key Stage 5

  • A* - A: 28.2%
  • A* - B: 60.4%
  • A* - C: 81.6%

The average A Level grade attained by students is a grade B-.

Destinations of those students taking advanced level qualifications [Data from 2023]

92% of students progressed to education or employment

62% of students stay in education

6% of students entered an apprenticeship

24% of students entered employment

6% of students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study

1% of students with an unknown destination

UK Government Statement, “Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.”


Results 2023-2024

A Level & GCSE Results 2023-24

If you would like more information about examination results these can be found on the GOV.UK website here

Key Stage 4 

  • Progress 8 score +0.30
  • Attainment 8 score 58.00
  • 88% of students achieved grade 4, or higher, in English and mathematics
  • 73% of students achieved grade 5, or higher, in English and mathematics
  • 73% of students were entered for the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc)
  • English Baccalaureate Average Point Score (EBacc APS) is 5.45
  • 97% of students stay in education or employment after KS4

Key Stage 5

  • Progress score +0.25
  • A* - A: 35%
  • A* - B: 62%
  • A* - C: 85%

The average A Level grade attained by students is a grade B.